Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The First FTP...

I guess I have watched too many reruns lately. I have no trust of electronics. I think it is well documented... my distrust of the ergomo. I have not written about it lately... it is way overkill at this point and no one can relate. Matrix and The Terminator... two constant reruns that still interest me... I watch them and my distrust grows and grows... stay tuned... now I think the HR monitor is conspiring with the power meter to drive me crazy... they are trying to take over the world, I think...

Both movies deal with humans demise due to machines/electronics. I must be buying the hype. Today was my first FTP since before the injury. Actually, it is my first one since February, I guess. I felt good, but a little timid starting out. I used heart rate to pace myself... I did not want to go out too hard and not be able to finish the workout. My old LT heartrate (tested 1.5 years ago) was 168 bpm and I still use that for pacing. For this 40 minute effort, I decided to conservatively lay out a 165 average on the way out and a 170-172 on the way back. When I got really good at these over the winter, I could average over my supposed LT HR by 4 or 5 beats for 40 minutes, but it was uncomfortable. That was not really what I was trying to do with this first one.

I got to the parking lot and had right at an hour before the sky fell in (rain). I jumped on my bike and realized that my tire had a weird hump in it. Of course, it was the back tire and it was beat... bulging out the side... never seen it before. I happened (thanks Robert) to have two new tires in the back of the Tahoe and I switched them up right fast. Off I go... the first 10 minutes, I kept it around 165 bpm... it actually felt bad for a while and I was wondering how bad this would be. My power was overperforming... around 310W average at this point, but I felt bad. I trusted the HR and kept pluggin along. By 15-20 minutes in, my avg power had come down to around 305W and my HR had crept up to around 166-167. I kept it there to the turn around... lost 2 watts there... and started my way home. I stopped looking at the power meter for a while... when I looked back, I was still at 303W and at 178 bpm. This really is weird. I don't want to freak anyone out, but I have got to question whether my HR monitor is working correctly. I started watching over the last 10 minutes of the ride and I was steadily in the mid to high 170s. I was not really breathing any harder than at 165 bpm, yet I was well over threshold. Usually, I would know it if I were nearing 180 bpm.

I finished with an average wattage (new threshold power) of 303 Watts. I had estimated my threshold at 302 W from some NP efforts I had a few weeks ago. That was pretty impressive. My average speed was 22.7 mph over the 40 minute effort... right about where it was in the fall and winter for FTP rides along the same route... I ride on the hoods and tops the entire time. The numbers make some sense. My cadence was slower than ever before... 91 rpm versus 95 rpm before the wreck. I have noticed this during training rides... it is a problem and I think it goes back to me trying to overcompensate for my bad side... my spin is not what it used to be and it has cost me power during critical moments. My average HR was 168 bpm, but was very variable during the ride.

What does this mean? Well, I don't trust the power meter and I don't know that I trust the HR monitor. It does not matter anymore... I will go with these numbers regardless. If I believe the numbers, then I am not far from where I was this spring as far as aerobic capacity goes (off by 10-15 Watts). I have put on 8 lbs. Three options... either my teammates are freakishly strong after a great season racing... or... my anaerobic system is still not where it should be and it gets me dropped on Tuesdays. The last option... I am a headcase and my total lack of confidence since my injury has led to me getting dropped on Tuesday rides.

What are the facts?
  1. I have raced twice since my injury. In both races, I raced near the front and finished with the pack. Is there any reason to think I am that far off form from this info?
  2. My FTP is 303 Watts. Even at my fattened up 187 lbs, I am still at 3.6 W/kg... a fringe Cat 3/4 type guy... that is very realistic considering my abilities in races.
  3. The Tuesday Worlds are a real slugfest... if my anaerobic system is off, those guys will expose it. We have a Pro 1 guy, a Cat 2/European racing, U23 guy, a guy about to upgrade to Pro 2, a master racer/Pro 2 guy, two Cat 3 guys that will be upgrading next year probably, and a good group of Cat 4 guys that are all the antagonists in any race... someone out of that group will be on the podium in every race it seems. Is it that bad to get wasted by these guys?

Whatever... today gave me some confidence that was sorely needed. At least I know that my aerobic system is OK. I have said it before, but now I mean it. I am scrapping the Plan from a few days ago. I am going to work on my anaerobic system from here until Augusta and I am coming out guns-a-blazing for that race... no base building... no excuses... it is time to get back in the ring... the guys were right telling me to race back into form... I just didn't believe it...

Now I do...

1 comment:

Robert Jordan said...

You should start believing your Freakishly Strong Fringe Antagonist Teammates and stop listening to Keanu.