Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Plan...

You can probably read my blog and realize that I have not been myself since I broke my hip. Yes... there was some uncertainty about my form in February (bad training camp), but after that, I really came into form, raced some, and had a blast. I was two weeks from peak when I broke my hip. I had a lot of positive energy for a few months after the injury... I was out on the bike in a few weeks... pedaling mostly with the opposite leg. I started working back little by little.

I had been increasing mileage very quickly after the injury and got the intensity going immediately. I worked a hard training block at the end of June and hoped that it would be my ticket to form by the end of July. I have not felt good since that block. I felt bad on vacation (July 4th week) and I have never felt right since. There is generally a lack of desire to suffer. I dont know what to say... after 3 years of enjoying every second I spend on my bike and forever craving the next ride, the last 2 months have been tough. I am still riding, but I am not working as hard. I am content to lose... content to quit... content to be weak. I am not the guy that always has to win, or he quits... I have been at the back of the B group many times in years past, barely hanging on... I had more fight in me then I think.

Anyway, I wonder... is this overtrained? Is this what it feels like? This is the way it is described, but still... could I be overtrained after 2 months off from an injury and starting back too fast? I decided two weeks ago that I didnt care. I decided that since I had planned these adventure races anyway, I would use these two weeks as my "time off this year" two weeks. This is usually planned for October, but why not now? I suck... that is for sure. I may need rest... who knows. I dont really have a big race that I am thinking about on the road bike and I dont want to race when my form is so gone. Could I start base building in August for the next season? Would it be too long? I decided that is what I should do.

I talked to a coach when I first broke my hip. He told me to scrap the season and start base building for next year. I didnt believe him at all. I thought I could tough it out and beat the odds. I thought my base through last winter could sustain me through a May layoff. I found that it could not.

This week, I will start back my FTPs and Sprint workouts from last winter. I will step up CTL 4-6 points per week with a drop back week every fourth. I will build up my long ride on Saturday to around 5 hours. I am actually really excited. My program lately has been to get my tail kicked by my teammates on Tuesday nights and mope about it all week. No more! Now I will do my FTP ride (45 minute- all out effort) on Tuesdays and ride for miles on Tuesday night.

This shift in training might be just what I need to get my head and body right over the next few months. If my legs come around, this strategy should work very well for some cyclocross workouts this November/December...

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